If you follow me on Instagram (and why wouldn't you be?) you may have already read about my disaster of a grocery run from this past weekend. I elaborated in that caption more than I usually do and figured that would be that. As I was sitting at my desk yesterday afternoon, though, a light bulb or bell went off inside my head - whichever you prefer - as it so often does at random times throughout the day. Sure, in that moment at the grocery store I was so frustrated, but in sitting at my desk working through a stack of papers a mile high I realized that I have a bad habit of letting things get to me.
For this to all make sense, let's rewind a bit shall we? Sunday is supposed to be Funday, hence the title of this post. My Sunday, however, was anything but fun because there was lots of work to be done at my office in order to make a certain deadline. It's a part of the job, I get it, and I'm not complaining about that. But what really set me over the edge after I had been working for 8 hours was walking into the grocery store, ready to conquer my list faster than Ghengis Khan could conquer China, only to realize that nothing was as it should be.
I made a beeline to my first item (sliced apples) but was staring at mushrooms instead. I did a 360 as the annoyance set in, and weaved in and out of aisles like a maze trying to find the things I needed. I asked an employee where said apples were now located, and he politely replied that they didn't have them anymore. Say what? Just like that I felt like my whole meal plan for the week was ruined. Dramatic much? Yes. But it's exactly how I felt at the time. As humans we can only take so much bending until we break.
I ultimately settled on a different fruit to take the apples' place, and looking back now it seems so trivial and so small in the grand scheme of things. This is my problem. I'm quick to focus in on the bad instead of being thankful that I have the money to buy my groceries, and healthy food at that, every week for myself. I am the first to admit that I get caught up in the little things and let them drive me insane until something else comes along to occupy my mind. Whether its sitting in the drive thru wondering why the heck they're taking so long, or staring at my phone wondering why someone hasn't responded back to me, I have to learn to see the bigger picture.
At the beginning of the year, I started jotting down something good that happened or something I was thankful for every day in my planner. As things got busier I got away from that, but I am going to challenge myself to get back into that practice from now on. Then at the end of the year when I am reflecting back on 2015 and how awesome it was, my views won't be ruined by a few bad apples.