One Year Blogiversary!

Today is officially my one year blogiversary and I seriously can't believe how fast the time has flown by.  Looking back at my very first post and thinking about how hard I worked to make it absolutely perfect, I can't help but notice how much easier this whole blogging thing has gotten for me post by post.  Sure, I still have writer's block sometimes and stare at a blank screen for a long time before I find that spark of inspiration, but for the most part blogging has become second nature and something I look forward to doing each day.  It's a part of me now and I am truly thankful that I have this little space to share the things I love with all of you! 

Funny story - this past weekend I was out with Chelcey at a local art boutique and got recognized for my blog for the very first time and it was pretty cool I must admit.  Not that I am doing this for any sort of fame whatsoever, but just knowing that someone is looking at what I put out there and cares enough to read along totally made my day.  And wouldn't you know she recognized me by the necklace I was wearing.  If that's not a good sign then I don't know what is ;)

Here's a look back at some of my favorite posts from my first year, and here's to another good one ahead!

UPDATE!  Since Chelcey and I started our blogs together a year ago, we've teamed up for a fun giveaway for you all!  Don't miss out on your chance to win a Sephora Gift Card and one of Chelcey's fabulous prints below!

